Sunday, March 4, 2012

Appreciation of Life

Once again in Bodega, watching the beautiful sunset. It's amazing how free we can feel by just watching the waves of the ocean and how calm it is. There's a lot I'm reminded of when I come here. The ocean is so serene and even with the people that do things that destroy it, it stays as it is and keeps moving. It doesn't let people ruin it. The ocean is so strong, it takes everything, positive and negative and takes it with it's strong waves and keeps moving. In our lives, we gotta keep strong and keep moving on no matter what life brings us. We learn from the bad and are encouraged by the good.

The ocean is so full of life and therefore makes me feel the same way. It helps me forget all problems, even if it's just for a little while. It helps me reflect on my life and realize the importance of life and forget things that don't matter. I am so grateful to have life and I'm grateful for the people that are in it. God is so good!

Wow! This view is amazing!!! And the smell is fantastic! The breeze feels so good!

I'm grateful for these peaceful moments when I can just stop and breathe! Sometimes we feel like life is going a thousand miles per hour and we can't catch up with it. If life were so easy and so simple, we would never appreciate moments like these.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Memories at Fort Point National Historic Park

We made this trip as a whole family this time! Again it was so cold but we had fun!!! I hadn't visited this place in YEARS! Everything was so interesting...we always learn something new! We went all the way to the top and it was perfect timing because the sun was setting and it was a gorgeous view!! I was feeling so happy and so free. :) Then, we walked and walked! Oh my gosh! We walked about 3/4 mile to a different part of the park where people fish and further down, there is a large lawn area where people can have a picnic and kids could run around. It was perfect! I would like to come back and have a picnic. Overall it was a great day today. We are just so tired and had no energy left but it was all worth it!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Creating Memories

One of my New Year's resolutions was to take the kids out to see different things, visit different places, learn new things, live new experiences. Our first trip this year was last weekend and we went to Bodega Bay. Marco was still visiting his sister in Texas and we were really missing him. It was a Friday and I had just picked up the kids from school. Then, out of nowhere, I thought of going somewhere. I didn't want to go home. So, I thought, to go visit Bodega. And we left! :) We got there just before sunset. It was so cold we could barely stand it! But we didnt care. We ran down and went straight to the shore. We ran around and just had so much fun!